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Steve Jobs Lost Interview 1990 – A must watch for any entrepreneur

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Sorry for anyone who is bothered by the annotation they are important and if you watch this talk of mine you will understand why. Think of me as Steve trying to save our planet…

Steve invented the PC. FOUNDUPS® Michael J. Trout, CEO invented the foundup® to save our planet by launching ideas, validated, funded and owned by the people for the people (the 99%) – Will you pledge to support it? I am gifting my equity to the 1st 99 that does — visit – help Trout launch the next Apple. Steve Jobs is a perfect icon for the the modern entrepreneur. A orphan from middle class America living in Silicon Valley becomes a global icon. « We didn’t build Apple to be a company, We started it to make computers for our friends. »



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Découvrez le livre Entreprendre au Féminin par Morgane Février

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